NJCPA Summer Tour of President's County - Union County Friday, June 14, 2024 Westfield, New Jersey
Each year the County Planners Association has an annual Summertime meeting that showcases unique locations within our President's home County. This year's tour was of Union County - home to President Kamal Saleh .
On June 14, 2024, members of NJCPA met in Westfield, NJ to begin the day exploring Union County - but more specifically downtown Westfield and the impressive redevelopment efforts occuring in the Township known as One Westfield Place. NJCPA members started the morning with a visit to the Preview Center which included a visual model of the entirety of the redevelopment area. Then the day continued with a walking tour of the redevelopment site guided by Donald Sammet, showcasing the progress made thus far. To wrap up the day, and take a break from the heat, NJCPA members visited Sweet Waters Steakhouse for some amazing local food! Everyone had a wonderful time learning more about Union County's impressive projects!
Interested in learning more about the tour? Check out the agendaand flyer!