NJCPA Summer Tour of President's County - Burlington County Thursday, July 27, 2023
Each year the County Planners Association has an annual Summertime meeting that showcases unique locations within our President's home County. This year's tour was of Burlington County - home to President Thomas Stanuikynas .
On July 27, 2023, members of NJCPA met at the Bordentown RiverLine Station to begin the day exploring Burlington County, more specifically Bordentown City and Burlington City. NJCPA members started the morning with a visit to the Roebling Steel Mill Property and the Haines Center. The tour took a stop to explore historic High Street where they learned about the current redevelopment plans for the area. After hopping back onto the RiverLine, members were able to learn about the Delaware River Heritage Trail before stopping at the Old Town Pub in Bordentown for lunch - a lovely way to get out of the 97 degree heat of the day! The tour wrapped up the day of fellowship and education with a walking tour of the gorgeous historic district of Bordentown.