Article Title INameand Affiliation IIObjectives IIIMembership: Qualifications,Dues,Voting IVOfficersand Duties VElectionandTermsof Officers VICommitteesand Duties VIIMeetings VIIIConductof Meetings IXAmendments X Effective Date, Approval and Revocation
ARTICLE I: NAME AND AFFILIATION Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the New Jersey County Planners Association (hereinafter referred to as ‘Association’).
Section 2 The Association is an affiliate member organization of the New Jersey Association of Counties.
Section 3 The Association is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Upon the dissolution of the Association, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the Association shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes described in section 501(c)(3). No substantial part of the activities of the Association shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Association shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the Association shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
ARTICLE II:MISSION STATEMENT To support and advocate for sound, collaborative regional planning amongst all levels of governments to ensure a prosperous future for all New Jersey residents and to highlight the value of County Planning efforts. To provide a forum to encourage cooperation and exchange ideas, concepts and procedures between County Planning agencies.
OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Association shall be:
To exchange information on planning programs, studies and experience which are of mutual interest to all counties.
To arrange for procedures whereby planning matters of interest to more than one county can be worked out in an orderly and coordinated fashion.
To discuss, formulate and disseminate information and educate membership on regional, State, Interstate and Federal programs and legislation of interest to counties or regions.
To stimulate research and planning studies with respect to factors affecting the development of counties on a comparable basis so that such information and material can be readily assembled on a regional basis.
To unify county planning interests so that the most effective county planning can be achieved, and to support the efforts of other planning agencies and groups on an organized and unified basis.
To provide for the regular meeting of county planning staffs and thereby stimulate our planning thinking and elevate our horizons beyond county boundaries.
To improve the standards and practice of all phases of county planning.
To facilitate effective relationships among all levels of government in the execution of planning responsibilities.
To cooperate and collaborate with other agencies, associations and groups, both public and private, having similar or related purposes.
To support educational opportunities that incorporate planning-related curriculum to engage school-aged populations in how planning can impact their lives and communities.
To provide financial support, through the Associations’ George Ververides Honorary Scholarship, to students pursuing an undergraduate degree in City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning, or a planning-related field, in accordance with the standards and requirements developed by a scholarship review committee and set forth in an annual application form.
To provide educational and professional development opportunities to Association members.
ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP: QUALIFICATIONS, DUES, VOTING Section 1 Any full-time staff professional of a New Jersey county agency designated for land use planning shall be a full member upon payment of such dues as may be established by the Association as hereinafter provided. Every full member shall be eligible to hold any office of the Association.
Affiliate membership shall be extended upon application to all other persons or are interested in furthering the objectives of the Association, contingent upon payment of such dues as may be established by the Association. Affiliate members shall have the rights of full members except the right to vote and the right to hold office.
Section 2 Annual dues shall be assessed upon each county seeking membership in the Association. Said dues shall be paid at the beginning of each calendar year to the Treasurer of the Association. Payment of dues shall entitle full members to all the rights of their membership class. Said dues shall be in an amount agreed to by vote of the membership and shall be based on a flat rate for each county, regardless of the number of individual staff members.
The cost of the annual dues for all members may be periodically reviewed by the Executive Committee but shall be considered for revision only at a duly noticed meeting of the full membership.
Dues shall be utilized to carry out the functions of the Association, including: securing a meetings space (fees or donation); operational needs (equipment, supplies, hardware, software, technical support etc.); to fund Association-sponsored activities and meetings including food and beverages; to fund the Association's scholarship in an amount to be determined at the first/last full Association meeting of each year; to fund educational opportunities in support of planning activities and initiatives; and any other fee needed deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall determine, on an as needed basis, whether partner agencies and retired Association members shall be required to a pay a meeting fee. Guest speakers may not be charged but should follow their own agency’s policies.
Section 3 Each County holding membership in the Association is entitled to one vote. The County Planning Director, or the staff designated lead of the agency for land use planning in that county, shall be the Official County Representative for the purpose of receiving notices and casting the county’s vote. Adoption of the meeting minutes and the Treasurer’s Report are subject to a voice vote. Voting on all other matters of interest to Association or on matters that warrant the official action of said Association shall be subject to a roll call vote of all member County agencies.
All official actions of the Association shall be carried out by a majority vote of those eligible county planning boards, agencies, or designees, present and voting at the time of the roll call. Agenda items subject to voting will be sent to each official county representative prior to meetings.
All official actions of the Association shall be voted upon at a duly noticed meeting of the membership. In the case of the need for the emergency consideration of an issue or matter, and at the discretion of the President of the Association, the Executive Committee may poll the designated member representing County through direct communication (one vote per County). In the case of such an emergency action, the Executive Committee will be obligated to maintain a record of its poll and to report its findings and subsequent action to the general membership at the next regularly held meeting of the Association.
ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS AND DUTIES Section 1 The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, and President Emeritus.
Section 2 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall have all duties normally conferred by parliamentary procedure. The President shall be a full member of the Association and have the privilege of discussing all matters before the Association and to vote thereon. The President shall have the authority to direct the respective officers to carry out their assigned duties and coordinate their efforts with the functional committee chairpersons. The President may delegate additional responsibilities to the officers at his/her/their discretion.
The President or his/her/their designee shall be responsible for representing the Association on any special task force committees and to act as the responsible liaison for the Association with any state agency responsible for coordinating regional planning efforts with county planning agencies. The President shall also be responsible for attending to correspondence of the Association as well as any publicity dealing with the Association’s action on matters deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee.
The President shall be responsible for the arrangement of Association meetings in cooperation with the “host” county including location, place, and time, or for the arrangement of virtual or hybrid meetings, as necessary to continue the meetings and activities of the Association. The President shall serve as co-signatory on the Association’s financial accounts. At the end of the President’s term, permanent records for the organization will be transferred to the Association’s digital archives.
Section 3 The Treasurer shall act for the President in his/her/their absence and shall be a full member of the Association. The duties of the Treasurer shall include maintenance of the financial records of the Association, collection of dues and meeting fees, co-signatory on the Association’s financial accounts, and other duties as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. At the end of the Treasurer’s term, permanent records for the organization will be transferred to the Association’s digital archives.
Section 4 The Secretary shall act for the President and Treasurer in their absence. The Secretary shall be a full member of the Association. Duties include performing as the Secretary to keep the minutes and permanent records of the Association, and such other duties as are normally carried out by the Secretary of an organization. In addition, the Secretary or his or her designee will be responsible for the annual directory update and may conduct a salary survey. At the end of the Secretary’s term, permanent records for the organization will be transferred to the Association’s digital archives.
ARTICLE V: ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICERS Section 1 The President, at the next to last meeting of the year, may appoint a nominating committee for the purpose of nominating a full member of the Association to serve as Secretary or for any additional vacancy on the Executive Board. The nomination will be presented at the last meeting of the year. Additional nominations for Secretary may be made from the floor. The election of a Secretary shall be in accordance with Article III, Section 3 and shall be initiated after all business items have been completed. The elected new Secretary shall take office at the first meeting of the new year.
Section 2 The current Treasurer shall automatically become President, and the Secretary shall automatically become the Treasurer and the immediate past president shall automatically become the President Emeritus. If the immediate past president elects not to continue to serve on the Executive Committee, then the other Executive Committee members shall seek a candidate from among recent, active past presidents, effective January 1st of the following year.
Section 3 Vacancies may be filled immediately by the remaining officers moving up a position as noted in Article V, Section 2 above. The Executive Committee may then serve as a nominating committee for the purpose of nominating a full member of the Association to serve as Secretary for the remaining term of office. The new Secretary may then be elected by the membership in accordance with Article III, Section 3.
Section 4 All officers shall serve one-year terms (January 1 to December 31).
Section 5 Any officer that leaves their County Planning position may complete their term of office for the remaining part of that year, if they so choose and the Executive Committee members agree. At the end of said year, another County Planner shall be elected from the membership, in accordance with Article V, Sections 1 and 2, to fulfill the vacant officer's remaining term(s), if necessary.
ARTICLE VI: COMMITTEES AND DUTIES Section 1 Committee Chairpersons may be appointed by the President at the first meeting of the year for a one-year term. The appointed Chairpersons shall enlist full members of the Association to serve on his/her Committee, which may be responsible for providing written or verbal reports. The following shall be considered standing committees. However, the President may create additional Committees.
I. Utilities, Transportation and Infrastructure – Monitor and report on relevant activities of the Board of Public Utilities, Transportation issues and infrastructure initiatives
II. Housing and Community Development – Monitor and report on issues related to housing and Community Development and provide liaison with the Council on Affordable Housing
III. Open Space and the Environment – Monitor and report on State and County Farmland Preservation and open space initiatives and other environmentally oriented issues and legislation
IV. Statewide Planning and Smart Growth – Monitor the State Development and Redevelopment Plan, Cross Acceptance as well as monitor and report on smart growth issues and provide outreach with the office of Smart Growth, State Planning Commission, and Department of Community Affairs
V. Legislative – Monitor and report on planning related legislation and recommend County Planning Association positions to be forwarded for consideration
VI. Education and Technology – Monitor and report on new technology being applied to planning and coordinate with academic institutions to further planning education in the state.
Any subcommittees of existing committees should be created by the President and associated Committee Chair and/or Exec Committee.
Section 2 The Executive Committee of the Association shall consist of the officers as per Article IV, Section 1. It shall meet at the call of the President to coordinate and plan the Association’s activities including the drafting of an annual program at the beginning of each calendar year. The Treasurer, in coordination with the Executive Committee, shall prepare and present an annual budget to the membership, which shall be approved and adopted by a roll call vote. Annually during the adoption of the budget, Association membership shall set a maximum amount that may be approved for expenditure by the Executive Committee, which shall not require a full vote of the membership.
Section 3 The President Emeritus shall assist the current President in matters related to the Association as well as assisting the President-elect in coordinating Association activities with the New Jersey Planning Officials, New Jersey Association of Counties, New Jersey League of Municipalities, New Jersey American Planners Association and other planning affiliated organizations as deemed necessary by the President.
ARTICLE VII: MEETINGS Section 1 Regular Meetings should be held, at a minimum, bimonthly, and may be held in person, virtually via a web-based platform, or through a hybrid format. The President shall notify all Association members and affiliate members of the format, time and place of the meeting at least one week in advance. The schedule of meetings for the year shall be established by the Executive Committee at its first organizational meeting of the year and approved by the Association at its first meeting of the year.
Section 2 Annually, a meeting may be held with the Executive Committee, the past presidents of the Association and other invited by the current president, to discuss the current issues facing the membership and the direction the organization should proceed.
Section 3 Special meetings shall be called by the President. It shall be the duty of the President to call such meetings at his/her/their discretion or when requested to do so in writing by a representative segment of the membership. The President shall notify the Association as described in Article VII, Section 1 above.
ARTICLE VIII: CONDUCT OF MEETINGS Section 1 The provisions of these By-laws and Roberts Rules-of-Order shall apply to the conduct of any meeting of the Association or the Executive Committee.
Section 2 The Order of Business for meetings of the Association may contain the following items:
Roll Call
Executive Committee Report
Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Treasurers Report
Program (if applicable)
Committee Reports
Old Business
New Business
ARTICLE IX: AMENDMENTS The By-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Association. Copies of proposed amendments shall be sent to all county planning directors and or county designees, in accordance with the notification requirements in Article VII, Section 1.
ARTICLE X: EFFECTIVE DATE, APPROVAL AND REVOCATION These By-laws and any amendments thereto shall become effective upon approval by the Association and are subject to revocation by the Association for due cause.