Objectives of the New Jersey County Planners Association shall be:
1. To exchange information on planning programs, studies and experience which are of mutual interest to all counties. 2. To arrange for procedures whereby planning matters of interest to more than one county can be worked out in an orderly and coordinated fashion. 3. To discuss, formulate and transmit positions on State, Interstate and Federal programs and legislation of interest to counties or regions. 4. To stimulate research and planning studies with respect to factors affecting the development of counties on a comparable basis so that such information and material can be readily assembled on a regional basis. 5. To unify county planning interests so that the most effective county planning can be achieved, and to support the efforts of other planning agencies and groups on an organized and unified basis. 6. To provide for the regular meeting of county planning technicians and thereby stimulate our planning thinking and elevate our horizons beyond county boundaries. 7. To improve the standards and practice of all phases of county planning. 8. To facilitate effective relationships among all levels of government in the execution of planning responsibilities. 9. To cooperate and collaborate with other agencies, associations and groups, both public and private, having similar or related purposes.